Singer Update #2 — 6/23

Test AdminNews for Singers

Hello Consort,

Reminder that our first Monday evening rehearsal is tomorrow, June 24, and will be held at St. Stephen’s Episcopal in Belvedere (3 Bayview Ave), with Allan. Monday evening rehearsals are held 7:00 to 9:30 pm. Please aim to arrive a few minutes early so that you are ready to warm up right at 7:00. I have a few other notes for you, below!

PS: You probably already know this, but in case you hadn’t noticed, each of our singer update emails will have tons of links and useful information at the bottom of each one—our next three rehearsal dates, times, locations, and repertoire to rehearse; contact information for our directors, board president, and myself; and the same set of resource links you can find on the website.
Website Members Area Access

For our new members, the Members area of the website has links to all of the resources you will need for the season, as well archived posts of these weekly update emails (…when I remember to upload them!). The Members area is password protected. Please use this password to access: ccmember28.
Rehearsal Notes

Our first batch of rehearsal notes are now available on the website, compiled by Allan. If and when we get rehearsal notes from Dr. Boyd, I will upload those as well. We also have at least one volunteer at most rehearsals taking notes who will submit anything new to me.

Our webmaster, Jon Curtis, has done an excellent job both programming the notes page and giving very clear explanation on how best to use the page. However, if you have questions, please feel free to get in touch.
Travel Opportunities

This weekend, Allan announced two travel opportunities available to Consort singers. Most of you are already familiar with the concert tour to Spain, taking place in June 2025. If you’d like to read more about this tour, you can find the concert brochure here. Register for the trip here! (I’m going, and I’m told I’m a kick to travel with, just saying…)

Regarding the Memorial Day 2025 trip, please see this brochure, and read on for a message from volunteer tour coordinator Sue Speth:

Music Celebrations International develops a Memorial Day Weekend trip each year with singers from all over the United States. I am Sue Speth, a member of the Los Cancioneros Master Chorale under the direction of Allan Petker. I am volunteering as the Tour Manager for this exciting trip next year and I am inviting each and every one of you, your friends and family  to join me.
The tour is six days and five nights, leaving on Thursday and returning on Tuesday. The price of approximately $2800 per person is based on two people in a hotel room at the Capital Hyatt Regency where everyone will be staying and where all rehearsals will take place, round trip airfare, all breakfasts, dinners and two lunches.  This total will be more or less depending on your personal choices such as making your own airline reservations and choosing a single hotel room instead of sharing one.
I am providing you with a sample itinerary so you can see what a rehearsal, performance and touring schedule may look like.
Reserve your place now by paying a non refundable $200 deposit per person to me by June 24th.  You may pay by Zelle or Venmo to my cell number or email address below.  Please provide me with the full name of each traveler and a cell and email address where I can reach you.  I will confirm that I received your deposit as soon as I receive it.  Call, text or email questions at any time.
I look forward to traveling with you!

Sue Speth
Upcoming Rehearsals

Note: Repertoire lists are for your use during independent practice. Please bring all of your music to each rehearsal, as directors may choose to rehearse any piece on our program.

Monday Rehearsal #1 (with Allan)
Monday, June 24, 7:00-9:30 pm
St. Stephen’s Church, Belvedere
Repertoire: Charpentier / Hagenberg / Wawruck / Pederson / Gjeilo / Koloi / Linberg

Monday Rehearsal #2 (with David Irvine)
Monday, July 1, 7:00-9:30 pm
St. Stephen’s Church, Belvedere
Repertoire: Boyd / Johnson / Burleigh / Manor / Wawruck / Pederson / Gjeilo

Monday Rehearsal #3 (with Sanford Dole)
Monday, July 8, 7:00-9:30 pm
St. Stephen’s Church, Belvedere
Repertoire: Walker / Bond / Koloi / Linberg / Beulke / Burleigh / Manor