Singer Update #3 — 6/28

Test AdminNews for Singers

Hello Consort,
It was great to see so many of you this past weekend—and to meet some of our new singers! Keep your eyes peeled for another email from me later today with details about our July 20 Celebration of Consort keystone event. No additional reminders about our next rehearsal—except that it will be, again, in Belvedere. So don’t go to San Anselmo (or Novato! ;)) See you all soon!
In this email:New Spain Zoom Meeting!New Seating ChartSolo Audition Sign-Up FormSmall Group for Johnson Piece
New Spain Zoom Meeting

A message from Allan: Spain is calling and it is time to join in. Hello travelers and potential travelers for the Spain Tour in 2025. We are over halfway to the number we need. Thank you to all those who joined us for our previous two zoom meetings. A new tour manager has been appointed, Sean Boulware, whom I have known for many years. It will be my pleasure to introduce him to you. Our meeting will be on July 1, at 5 pm PST. No RSVP is required. The sign in link is below.
Meeting ID: 810 3713 2231
Passcode: 676268

We hope you can join us so we can get acquainted and learn more about the concert tour on June 18-30, 2025.  Allan
New Seating Chart

Unfortunately, bass Henry Hu has had to drop out of Consort this summer. A new seating chart has been uploaded to the website. Note also this means that there are now twice as many sopranos and twice as many altos as there are basses. Please be extra sensitive to issues of balance as we move forward in rehearsals this summer—especially us sopranos. As Allan noted last weekend, we will always be heard. Our job is to make sure everyone else can be, too.
Solo Audition Sign-Ups!

If you are interested in one or more of the solo opportunities for this concert, you may use this form to sign up. Solo auditions will take place before our July Saturday retreat, 9:00 to 9:45 am at First Presbyterian in San Anselmo.

The following solos are available:Charpentier, ms 69-75 (SAT)Pederson, ms 5-8 (SAT)Beulke, ms 85-96 (SA)Johnson, ms 9-30 (T or B)You may audition for any/all of those you are interested in.
Small Group for Johnson Piece

Our directors have selected the 12 singers for the small group in the Craig Hella Johnson (I Love You, etc.) piece. They are:

Soprano: Wendy, Amanda K
Middle: Amanda H, Sandra
Alto: Michelle, Maggie
Tenor: Sanford, Jon
Middle: David R, Rob
Bass: David I, Jim T
Upcoming RehearsalsNote: Repertoire lists are for your use during independent practice. Please bring all of your music to each rehearsal, as directors may choose to rehearse any piece on our program.
Monday Rehearsal #2 (with David Irvine)
Monday, July 1, 7:00-9:30 pm
St. Stephen’s Church, Belvedere
Repertoire: Boyd / Johnson / Burleigh / Manor / Wawruck / Pederson / Gjeilo

Monday Rehearsal #3 (with Sanford Dole)
Monday, July 8, 7:00-9:30 pm
St. Stephen’s Church, Belvedere
Repertoire: Walker / Bond / Koloi / Linberg / Beulke / Burleigh / Manor

Monday Rehearsal #4 (with Sanford Dole)
Monday, July 15, 7:00-9:30 pm
St. Stephen’s Church, Belvedere
Repertoire: Walker / Bond / Wawruck / Pederson / Gjeilo / Koloi / Linberg

Saturday Retreat Rehearsal (with Allan and Dr. Boyd)
Saturday, July 20, 10:00 am to 3:30 pm (solo auditions at 9:00 am)
First Presbyterian, San Anselmo
Repertoire: Hagenberg / Walker / Pederson / Koloi / Manor / Burleigh / Boyd / Johnson / Linberg / Beulke