Today’s selection comes from David Irvine’s favorite experience with Consort, “the Vierne Messe Solennelle with BOTH organs at First Pres San Anselmo!”
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Nearly blind from birth, Louis Vierne composed Messe Solennelle in 1900, inspired in part by the magnificent Cavaillé-Coll organ at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, where he had recently been appointed titular organist. Written for choir and two organs, it was dedicated to Théodore Dubois, a French composer and organist. We are blessed to have a venue at the First Presbyterian Church, San Anselmo, where two pipe organs are present, to perform this work as it was originally intended.
The organists were Fay Manes on the front organ, and Stephen McKersie on the back organ.
Louise Vierne, Messe Solenelle